I am so thankful for rain. It helps the sugar snap peas, spinach, onions, beans, okra, tomatoes, potatoes, yams, bell peppers, popcorn, sweet corn, and smattering of other delectables in our garden grow a good yield from summertime labor. A nightfall rain helps us, lulled by the droplets on a tin roof, sleep peacefully. And, a thunderstorm on a hot day not only clears out the scalding temperatures, but also brings fabulous porch entertainment. But, on an evening - not too hot, not too cold - after a long spell of rain, it's just as refreshing for it not to be raining.
Instead, the air is full of drones and piping while Russell plays the shuttle pipes, gleeful words as Ezra reads a simple book, and tap-tap-tapping while Joey creates chains of pipes on an iPad game. Cricket and bird songs sift in through the opened window-screen, while a tractor hums in the distance. It feels like such a cozy ending to the day.
Friend, do you find your day ending in coziness or do the pressures leave you so winded and tired, you let this part of the day with family or friends slip through your fingers. Do you dance a jig or play a game or read books together or savor the delights of a summer garden as hummingbirds sip nectar from delphinium trumpets or sweet scents waft by from fragrant roses or honeysuckle? What ends your day well? A cup of mandarin orange tea? A splash of paint on canvas? A poignant journal entry?
I remember living in Athens and taking strolls through the streets in late day - before the sun descended, but feeling the comfortable closeness of night's purplish hue. Healthy jasmine, whose soft white blossoms seemed steeped in lovely scents, grew in The Athens Centre, where I studied with my classmates. Just passing the building would bring an aroma that simmered a smile to your face, no matter what mood you carried. And, in the plateia where I lived in The Met, a little shop always carried my favorite ice creams: tiramisu and mocha, too. A kind smile and an extra ice cream treat always welcomed my visits. Days that held these sorts of joys were always refreshing. I looked forward to the evenings as much as the days - and I hope this is the same for your life, too, friend.
May this evening refresh you. May memories delight you. And, may the road ahead look more hopeful, too.